Monday, February 18, 2008

5 Strategies For Successful Teen Weight Loss

by: Scott T Smith

Adolescent obesity has skyrocketed in recent years. During the 1980s, adolescent obesity rates hung at around 5%, but today they are close to 15%, according to the National Center of Health Statistics. This 10% increase can be linked to a number of developments in the past two decades, such as more television and less healthy foods, but something can be done about this as well. Teen weight loss can happen, with focused commitment, the right kind of natural weight loss supplements and family help and support.

For many teenagers, physical appearance is a vital attribute. More importantly, however, obesity during the teenage years can lead to obesity as an adult, and continuing health problems as a result of being overweight. Heart problems, high blood pressure, and sleep apnea are all products of obesity, and are no way to live a healthy life. Take a look at these five strategies, though, and a healthier life begins to become clear:

1.) Family Encouragement - A family can play a crucial role in helping a teenager lose weight. Frequently, an overweight teen feels shut out from the world of their peers due to their appearance, as well as the inability to participate in physical activities. Because of this, a supportive and encouraging home is indispensable, and can go a very long way in helping a teen deal with issues of weight loss. Parents should let their teenager know that they are loved, despite whatever they may feel about their physical appearance, and that their efforts to lose weight are believed in. If a teen wants to talk about any problems they are encountering, let them - it can only help.

2.) Turn Off the TV - Inactivity is one of the primary causes of obesity, and the television is one of the primary causes of inactivity. Eliminating television is likely too severe a measure, but limiting its use during the day could encourage other activities that are more healthy. Help come up with fun physical activities, such as sports like fishing, spending time in the outdoors, or just going for a walk.

3.) Forget About Sugary Soft Drinks - All those name-brand sodas, in addition to being highly popularized, are full of chemicals and sugar. Put simply, they aren't good for you. The medical journal Pediatrics recently published a study revealing that removing over-sugared soft drinks can assist in teen weight loss by cutting beverage calories by up to 80%. Try real fruit juices instead.

4.) Watch the Food - Not all food is created equal. Eating fast food and easily accessible, over-processed snack food is the surest way to an unhealthy, and overweight, lifestyle. Stop stopping at fast food joints and think about eating something more wholesome, like a balanced meal at a restaurant or something cooked at home. For that matter, ensure a daily intake of fruits and vegetables - they provide many necessary vitamins and nutrients that help burn excess calories, and maintain high energy throughout the day.

5.) Exercise Regularly - Exercise is key. If a teenager never gets to the gym or goes outside, then the hope in losing weight immediately begins to pale. Without a consistent amount of exercise, excess calories can never be burned. But ultimately, more important than any appearance or expectation, exercising helps maintain a strong and healthy body. A body without any related health issues.

Teen weight loss is a challenge, but not an impossibility. Losing weight as an adolescent may require a lifestyle change, but doing so will lead to a longer, happier life. Developing a healthy lifestyle as a teenager can only mean a healthy lifestyle as an adult.

About The Author
Article by Scott T Smith. Worried about your overweight teen? Slimstuff has just what your teen needs. Visit Slimstuff on the Web at ::All-Natural Teen Weight Loss Supplements::

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Thursday, February 14, 2008

Politically Incorrect Weight Loss Tips

by: Dr. Jeffrey S. Reynolds

Politically Incorrect Weight Loss Tips

Excerpts from tips that San Antonio chiropractor and chiropractor San Marcos acupuncturist Dr. Jeffrey S. Reynolds gives to his patients on losing weight.

1. Cut Out Sodas! Let's review some the basic ingredients of sodas: BONE DEMINERALIZER (carbonated water), SUGAR, SPEED (caffeine). Sodas are now the #1 cause of osteoporosis. People do not realize the amount of calories and carbohydrates in sodas. You might as well eat a piece of cake every time you drink a soda because you're getting the same amount of empty calories. It has been shown that if you drink 1 cola a day, you will gain 10 POUNDS in one year. DRINK MORE WATER! 2. Reduce Caffeine Intake! The problem with caffeine is that it is an energy substitute. Instead of your body using its own resources for energy, like fat, your body uses caffeine first. You body is set up to make the least amount of effort, so why should it burn fat when you give it free energy in caffeine. DRINK MORE WATER!

3. Reduce carbohydrate intake! When you break down a carbohydrate it becomes a simple sugar for energy. If you eat more carbohydrates than your body needs, then your body stores it as fat. The problem with low fat foods is they increase the sugar amount so that it will still taste good. REDUCE THE AMOUNT OF BREAD, TORTILLAS, CHIPS, POTATOES, SPAGHETTI, AND WHITE RICE IN YOUR DIET.

4. Stop Going To Buffets! Usually your determination not to overeat is overridden by the desire to get your money's worth. Temptation can be very difficult to deal with, so the less you have the better. Treat yourself to a better quality meal with smaller portions. Next time you are at the buffet just look around and see who's eating there. It's mostly fat people! EAT SMALLER PORTIONS!

5. Start Walking! One of the easiest ways to exercise is walk 30 minutes every morning. If you walk before you have your breakfast, your body will burn more fat. Walk 15 minutes in one direction away from your house and then turn around and walk home. There are TREMENDOUS benefits to exercise. WALK DAILY!

6. Stop eating at least 3 Hours Before You Go To Bed. This is a major key to the weight loss products that you drink at night before you go to sleep. When sleeping, your body wants to rest and repair, not digest. Plus, you are not active, so you not burning many calories.

7. Change Your Life! Basically what you are going to have to do is break old habits and create new ones. Being thin is a way of life!

To get a copy of the entire article contact Dr. Reynolds at

About The Author
San Antonio chiropractor and chiropractor San Marcos acupuncturist Dr. Jeffrey S. Reynolds of Reynolds Chiropractic Acupuncture Clinic is a leading expert on chiropractic care San Antonio and has been practising as chiropractor San Marcos

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Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Exercising For Weight Loss

by: George Best

Most people know that exercise is an important part of any weight loss program, but there is considerable confusion over what type of exercise and how much is needed to produce maximum results. Even experts cannot agree as to what the "right" exercise is to produce weight loss, and in part this confusion lies in the fact that many experts rely on only a partial analysis of the available research on exercise physiology, and there is often a tendency to make "one-size-fits-all" recommendations, when the reality is that different people will actually get different results from different approaches.

Let's begin with what the current research on exercise physiology tells us. It is well-established that it takes approximately 30 minutes of any kind of exercise for the body to burn off its glycogen (stored sugar) reserves and begin burning fat. So, most experts recommend at least 30 minutes of exercise, and generally 60 minutes or more may be recommended to get a good amount of fat burning. Now, if you are going to be exercising for 30 to 60 minutes, or maybe more, what type of exercise would you be able to do for that length of time? It probably would have to be low to medium intensity. In other words, you're probably not going to be able to run full speed or do any other type of high-intensity exercise for 30 to 60 minutes without a rest, unless you happen to be an elite athlete, and even then you'd be struggling. So, by default, the common recommendation for exercise to lose weight has been 30 to 60 minutes of low to medium intensity aerobic exercise. Aerobic translates to "in the presence of oxygen", which in common language means that aerobic exercise is any type of activity that you can do without gasping for breath.

In recent years, some experts have changed their recommendations to using a more intense anaerobic ("without oxygen") exercise program for weight loss. This would include things like intense weight lifting, and something called "interval training". Interval training involves brief bursts of high intensity activity with periods of rest or low intensity activity in between. For instance, your could sprint at full speed for 30 to 60 seconds and once you were winded, you could walk at an easy pace for a couple of minutes until you could catch your breath, then repeat the cycle several more times.. Because this kind of workout is much more strenuous, it is performed over a much shorter period of total exercise time - about 20 to 40 minutes (at least half of which is rest time), as compared to half an hour to an hour of non-stop exercise as is recommended with low to medium intensity aerobic workouts. The question is, how do the two types of exercise compare in terms of their ability to promote fat burning?

The aerobic exercise promoters point to the research that was mentioned earlier that has shown that any exercise, no matter how intense requires at least 30 minutes to use up the body's stored glycogen (the body will normally burn glycogen before it will burn fat) before fat burning can begin. So, they say, short periods of even highly intense exercise won't burn much fat and is therefore not a good choice for promoting weight loss. But they are only seeing part of the story.

It is true that you must exercise for at least 30 minutes to begin to achieve fat burning - but that's at the time you are exercising. Brief bursts of intense anaerobic exercise does something that even quite a lot of low to medium intensity aerobic exercise does not. Intense anaerobic exercise stimulates the production of growth hormone, which is a strong stimulator of fat burning. The thing is, the release of growth hormone triggered by intense anaerobic exercise comes 24 to 48 hours AFTER the exercise, and then it produces considerably more fat burning than is possible with all but extremely long periods of low to medium intensity aerobic exercise.

Because of this effect, most people will lose weight much more easily by doing shorter periods of more intense exercise. 20 to 40 minutes of heavy weightlifting, interval training (which could be done on foot, on a bicycle, swimming, kickboxing, etc.Any kind of activity in which there are periodic bursts of intense exertion interspersed with rest periods, or periods of low intensity activity is typically preferable in the long run for weight control than even long hours of lower intensity aerobic exercise.

Now, you'll notice that I said "most people". There is an exception to the rule. People under considerable stress, either emotional or physical, or both, in their daily lives are prone to overworked adrenal glands. The adrenal glands do a lot of things in the body, but with regards to weight loss, they produce two hormones. Cortisol is one of the hormones, and it stimulates fat storage in the lower abdominal area. This is typically a saggy, pendulous fat held below the waistline. The other hormone the adrenals produce is adrenaline (also called epinephrine), which actually promotes fat burning. Since the adrenals produce cortisol which causes fat deposition and adrenaline which promotes fat burning, you might assume that these two hormones cancel each other out. The thing is, cortisol can be produced by the adrenals for a much longer time than adrenaline, which is produced for brief periods, so in the long run, the cortisol effects (fat storage in the lower abdomen) win out when you are under chronic stress.

The adrenals are influenced by physical stress as well as mental stress, so for someone who is under a lot of stress in general in his or her life, high-intensity exercise will only add to the total stress and will tend to make the adrenals produce a lot of cortisol, and therefore will tend to promote lower abdomen weight gain. Yes, you read that right - excessive exercise for someone under a lot of stress can actually cause that person to deposit MORE fat around the lower belly! This can result in the frustrating situation in which one exercises more and more and harder and harder to try to get rid of that lower abdomen stomach "pooch", but never can seem to get rid of it. Because the intense exercise is stimulating more cortisol production, that person is fighting a losing battle. Because of this effect, it is recommended that people under a lot of stress and/or who have most of their weight held in the lower abdomen stick to relatively low intensity aerobic exercise. This kind of activity is usually helpful for controlling stress and reducing the level of cortisol, thereby making it easier to get rid of the deposition of fat around the lower abdomen.

Hopefully you now have a better understanding of how to use exercise to maximum benefit for weight loss.

About The Author
Dr. George Best has been a holistic healthcare provider for 15 years. For more information on natural weight loss, please visit , or email to

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Sunday, February 10, 2008

Healthy Weight Loss Diet Plans – What Are The Key Ingredients?

by: Melinda Grossman

Healthy weight loss diet plans have a different focus than many of the commercial programs. Too many of the commercial programs compete to show who can have customers losing the most weight in the fastest time. Healthy weight loss diet plans only aim to give participants a better quality of life.

These plans focus on turning you on to a healthy lifestyle. The goal is to teach you this new lifestyle beginning with the moment you start the diet. And you never really go off the diet; you will only adjust it to your new weight. You learn a new diet – or healthy way of eating – for life!

One example of a "new" way of eating is a weight pyramid. At the base of the pyramid are the foods that you can eat without restriction. These include all kinds of fruits and vegetables. There is such a variety of these foods that you should never want for a new choice.

Next up on the weight pyramid are the carbohydrates and grains. Healthy weight loss diet plans will not leave these foods out. In fact, some good plans will allow 4-8 servings per day. An important detail is that the majority of these food choices are whole grains. Oh, the exact number of servings depends on your current weight, height, and fitness level.

Healthy weight loss diet plans also include at least 3 and up to 7 servings of protein and dairy. These include lean meats, chicken, and fish. Cold water fish is the best because it is full of Omega-3 oils which are healthy fats for your body.

Even fats and sweets should be accounted for. You might have a diet that allows you 3-5 servings of fat and 75 calories of sweets. Why? Because your body needs a small amount of fats. You won't stay on your diet for life if you know you can never eat sweets again.

A good plan will also offer sample menus. These give you an idea of what is meant by the requirements of the plan. They make it clear how to put together a meal out of the many choices available.

You'll do better with healthy weight loss diet plans if you learn about correct portions. Check to make certain whatever plan you choose is clear on portion sizes. For example, a medium apple might be the size of a tennis ball. A 3-ounce piece of meat might be the size of a deck of cards.

What's more, some plans even give instructions on how to figure servings on food you buy pre-packaged. Do you go by what the package says is a serving? Or do you go by a certain number of calories or carbohydrate grams? Healthy diet plans will tell you.

There's no quick fix for losing weight. You can't simply sit on the sofa and drop the weight you’ve been carrying. It takes effort to change behaviors you’ve spent a lifetime cultivating. However, healthy weight loss diet plans give you the tools and they make being in shape a life-long habit.

About The Author
Melinda Grossman Want more healthy food tips or some free diet meal plans? Info on fitness weight loss programs or even some special tips just for women? I finally have my own weight and exercise regimens under control and I want you to join me. That's why I share what I've learned at

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Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Foolproof Weight Loss Diet

Author: AltecLP

More and more people are turning to the diet pill for their weight loss program. What weight loss secrets do they use to get that way? Is it a diet, a diet pill, Weight Watchers, or what? It seems that if we could only get the inside information on the new celebrity weight loss program or weight loss pill, then we'd be almost guaranteed to experience fast weight loss of our own.

Fast weight loss is possible if we, under the supervision and approval of our doctor, combine a sensible diet with a diet pill or weight loss pill that is safe and effective. Among all diet pills, Phentermine being one of the oldest survivors in the category of weight loss drugs is still considered the most effective and cheapest making it one most popular diet pill. However, if the diet pills are used as per doctor's instructions, the drug is very much effective as a successful kick-starter for one's weight loss program and can yield results in a few weeks.

Finally, if you want to retain the weight loss you have achieved through Phentermine, you should follow an extensive weight loss program, which will consist of controlled diet program along with regular required exercise supplemented by the diet pills. Individuals using the diet free weight loss program results vary, because we all do not have the same body type or the same genetic make up. In choosing diet pills that will effectively promote weight loss, it is best to look for pills that have the ingredients that will enhance your body's metabolism, or the ability of the body to burn excess fats.

There are representatives from all the food groups in an ideal weight loss diet plan to ensure that all forms of nutrients enter your body. When it comes to the right diet for weight loss, I would recommend a Mucus-less or Mucus-poor (raw and cooked fruits and veggies) over any other mere fad in the quest of attaining fitness and health.

In my opinion, consumption of fresh home-made salads, mono-meals of fruits, snacks on dried fruits such as dates, a few nuts and maybe even a short juice fast, as a choice for a diet (along with some form of exercise) will be the best path to attaining safe and healthy weight loss. For more information about the weight loss nutrition and weight loss diet, visit Find out how to lose your extra weight forever when you visit this webite.

About the Author

Altec L.P writes for where you can learn more about healthy dieting and get great weight loss tips.

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Sunday, February 3, 2008

7 Weight Loss Motivation Tips

Author: jayzn

When you are dieting, having weight loss motivation can be a struggle for anyone. The continual cycle of gaining weight, losing weight, gaining weight and losing weight can become very tiresome and demotivating.

The following tips are from my courses and seminars to help you get rid of that weight and find that weight loss motivation.

Tip 1 - Know what you want

Make sure you know precisely how much weight you are going to get rid of. Some weight just doesn't cut it, so have a precise figure for your target weight and how much you are losing.

Tip 2 - Avoid the scales

Avoid weighing yourself every single day, it'll just dent your weight loss motivation and frustrate you. Instead, pick one day a week to weigh yourself and weigh yourself every week at the same time (I usually recommend Monday's as you may be at your heaviest after any weekend excesses!).

Tip 3 - Watch the inches, not the pounds

Often weight loss isn't immediately noticeable through weight, but is more obvious through inches lost. So, measure your chest, waist, hips and thighs and record the results so you can track them over time.

Tip 4 - Track your results

Motivation comes from seeing regular results, so track your weight loss successes and your measurements shrinking. This will ensure you are more motivated to lose weight.

Tip 5 - Eat regularly, avoid starving yourself

The majority of dieters think that they can skip meals to lose weight faster. STOP IT! It doesn't work like that. If you skip meals then your body is going to think there's a famine on the way, which means your body starts to piles on the fat to ensure you survive the famine. Eat regular healthy meals and you'll find your diet much easier.

Tip 6 - Don't Deny Yourself

Many dieters will deny themselves anything nice such as chocolate, cakes, etc. Trouble is, when you deny yourself something, you want it even more. So instead CHOOSE not to have it, because then you are in control and don't feel those uncontrolable urges. Occasionally, you may choose to have a treat, which is great too, because you deserve it.

Tip 7 - Drink, drink, drink

And no, I don't mean alcohol. I mean yummy, delicious water. Drink plenty of it as it will flush toxins from your system and help keep you healthy.

These seven tips for weight loss motivation and success will help you to rapidly lose weight with the minimum of trouble.

About the Author
For weight loss motivation and a free weight loss course and gift certificate visit, the home on online weight loss.

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Tuesday, January 29, 2008

See Yourself Losing Weight

Author: soundsleep

One of the most important parts of losing any weight is your own vision... can you see youself at the weight you desire?

You literally can't lose weight if you see yourself overweight, or more importantly, not being able to lose weight... your mind won't let you. This is one reason so many struggle with weight loss... and keeping it off.

This is called physcological reversal. You say you want something, but your inner mind says just the opposite. You say you want to lose weight, but your mind says "it's too hard", "I can't do that", "never been able to do it, why now" or any other belief you've let settle in to your mind the past.

These beliefs in one way or another you've 'accepted' at some time in the past. You see, your subsconcious mind accepts anything you pass to it. It doesn't judge, analyze, reason, filter... nothing, it just accepts. If you've accepted in the past that it's too difficult to lose weight (for any reason), then almost any attempt to lose weight will fail unless you replace that negative belief.

Once you replace any old beliefs about weight loss, you can "picture" yourself at your ideal weight. And now, thanks to high tech, you can even do it right on your computer! Just visit and you can see your before and after pictures in almost real time! Brilliant idea. Just upload a current picture of yourself and the software will create a picture of what you you'll look like at your ideal weight (or a close resemblence). And by the way, it's free.

Keep the photo in a place where you can see it often and imagine yourself and how good you feel, the things you'll be doing and all the good feelings associated with your "new you".

You CAN do it!

About the Author
Mark Idzik reports on natural and alternative health and is an author and health coach helping his clients lose weight and make better health choices. Receive 37 free weight loss tips by visiting his site:

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Monday, January 28, 2008

Losing Weight Successfully

Author: msalada

There are many different factors that contribute to losing weight and being able to keep that weight off. Balance is an important factor in your weight loss plan. You will find people that have been successful at weight loss do not usually deprive themselves of foods that they like. The best way to deal with the situation is to have a small portion and the craving is gone.

The important thing to remember is that you need to compromise to maintain balance in your diet. If you satisfy that craving and it was high calorie or high fat, you will need to take away the fat or calories somewhere else in your diet. You could also add more exercise for the extra calories. There are options for maintaining balance in your weight loss plan.

You have a certain amount of calories that you plan on eating and you can spend them anyway you like. A calorie is a calorie and they are all going to cause you to gain or lose the same amount of weight. So the key is deciding what foods you want to spend your calories on and how many of them you want to subtract with exercise. If you look at your weight reduction plan as just numbers, it may make it a little easier for you to stay on track.

Consider these four things when you re deciding how to use your calories:

1. What healthy foods do you like? Think about what foods you really like, that are healthy. Can you work these into your diet more often, making it less tempting to indulge on something that is not as healthy and higher in calories?
2. What are your favorite foods that you do not wish to give up? Make a list of foods that you really like and that you do not feel you can live without. The best thing to do with these kinds of foods is to buy them in a single serving or to eat them out in single servings. So, if you like cookie dough ice cream it is not in your best interest to buy it by the gallon and keep it in your freezer.
3. What foods can you not be around? It is best to keep all food, which you have no control over, out of your home. It is best to avoid these foods completely as much as possible. 4. What foods can you give up and not miss? If there are high calorie foods that do not have much nutritional value and you do not mind not having them, give them up. Doing this will only benefit you in the end.
If you are able to put these four simple concepts into practice you will be able to balance the foods you enjoy and still be able to lose weight successfully. Give these principles a try and you may find it easier to stay within your weight loss program guidelines.

About the Author
Marjorie Salada is the owner of, a website that contains information on weight loss, exercise, weight loss surgery and living a healthy lifestyle.

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Sunday, January 27, 2008

Free Weight Loss Advice That Really Works!

Author: brianthelion

Here's your first weight loss nugget: Just because somebody has muscles doesn't mean should automatically take their weight loss advice.

I'm going to give you a few tips, some free weight loss advice that really works. Use this advice and you will lose weight.

Tips for maximum weight loss:
One: Never begin a diet with a half-hearted attempt. The mere thought of giving a new a diet a "try" is good enough reason why you will fail. Like Yoda once said to Luke Skywalker, "There is no try. Only do or not do." Live by those words.

Two: Reserve yourself in advance to focusing 100% for 3 strong weeks on your weight loss efforts. That means planning your meals, planning your workouts, making sure you write down your goals. Keep your head down and focused for 3 weeks. By the end of that time you will see your first results.

Three: Do not live on the scale. The scale is one of the biggest culprits for derailing weight loss success. If the scale doesn't read how you'd like it to read, your whole day has a chance of being destroyed. And so does your weight loss.

Free weight loss advice bonus tip: You can expect to lose 5-10 pounds in the first 2 weeks if you only increase your water intake and begin walking.

Four: Eliminate as much negativity as you can. There will be weight loss doubters. There will be people who secretly wish you to fail behind you back. Don't fret. Just recognize it and remove it as quickly as you can.

When you do lose the weight, don't hold a grudge. Just smile and hope for better things for those that doubted your weight loss power.

Five: When disaster strikes in the form of depression or a diet breakdown. Pick yourself back up immediately and begin again. Seize the moment and renew your weight loss commitment. Rededicate yourself by writing a letter of forgiveness to yourself.

There's your free weight loss advice that really works. Use it and go out and grab your new tighter, slimmer body. Hey, you deserve it, right?

About the Author
Get your FREE subscription to Underground Weight Loss VIDEOS. Plus a FREE copy of your "can't miss" Fat-Slashing Power Formula: Weight Loss Secrets! Just for visiting: Weight Loss Success!

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Saturday, January 26, 2008

Best Way To Lose Weight

Author: MichaelM1

I hope that the following clause will help you to better understand this topic and may be of benefit in some way or another.

I presume there actually is no “best way to lose weight” as such which will fit each and every person crossed the board. Since everyone is unlike and is unequaled in their own way, it can be safely said that each person will have a different necessity when it comes to weight release options.

I think however, it can be said that there is in spades a best way to lose weight for every individual, and it is best if you can find this out for yourself and follow it. If you are not sure about how to go about this, to begin with, you always have the alternative of contacting a moderated nutritionist or dietitian who will be able to help you find the your own personal “best way to lose weight”.

There are many options for weight loss solutions, you also have the option of reading through assorted books and literature useable on the subject of weight loss to find what is the best way to lose weight for you. As you can see there are a number of options open to you, and it only hinges on which one you take to get your weight leaving under way.

Before you considering to begin on any weight loss method however, it is always best if you consult with your doctor or other certified person to decide whether this is the best way to lose weight for you.

In this way you can work over any futurity problems which might rise as a result of your weight loss, and you can also rule out any checkup or health issues which might keep you from losing weight the way you should.

To this end, even though you might think that you have found the best way to lose weight, you might not want to set that in stone. Always leave your options open and you will find that you are better off for doing so.

By keeping your weight loss plan flexible also gives you leeway to change it as you go through it, wedding out the bad spots and fine tuning the things which work for. In this way especially you will find that you really are reaping the results and that you have truly found the best way to lose weight, for yourself.

And once you have done this, the next thing that you need to do is to stick to your weight loss program. There is plainly no use in having found the best way to lose weight if you don’t follow through on it to the conclusion.

And when you have done this, you will know that you will be fighting healthy and ready to take on the world. WHY? Because you know that you put-upon the most fit and best way to lose weight... to read more on this topic, please check our web site...

Thank you for taking you time to read through this information if you’re interested in gathering more knowledge please continue to search this site.

About the Author
Michael Malega presents several best way to have weight articles for your information. You can visit Michael's web site at: Best Way To Lose Weight

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Friday, January 25, 2008

How To Achieve Long Term Success

Author: Brad Matulevich

There are consistent misconceptions on the most efficient manner in which to lose weight, and if you apply the methods you actually find that many if not most will actually work to a certain degree. Unfortunately they don't address the primary issue for which they were intended, the need to keep the weight off. This is exactly why so many weight loss programs are so inadequate in achieving the results they were primarily designed for. What society needs is a weight loss program that is capable of educating them on how to not just lose the weight, but to ultimately keep it off.

This methodology is going to require a change in ones lifestyle. That does not mean constantly counting calories or spending hours doing monotonous exercise. Now naturally there is going to be a certain degree of exercise required in order for any system to work, but that should not entail commuting to a gym or investing in home fitness equipment. This lifestyle change is essentially going to be centered around learning how to eat in a manner that is going to essentially ignite your body's own inner fat burning furnace that will enable you to burn calories around the clock, even when you sleep.

In order to achieve this you actually have to learn how to eat more often in a manner that will significantly increase your body's metabolic rate. Most people would think that would be the exact opposite way to achieve the desired weight loss they are seeking. Now this is where the learning part comes in, you have to learn how to apply specific dietary strategies to make this work. You don't even have to eliminate dining out at your favorite restaurants; they can actually be included within the plan. The young and the old alike can utilize these methods. Which makes incorporating it into a family environment so easy.

About the Author
Brad Matulevich is a freelance writer and promoter of weight loss products. He has written numerous articles and reviews on a variety of topics, including but not limited to weight loss products and physical fitness in general.

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Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Lose Weight With Diet, Exercise Before Lipodissolve orLiposuction

Author: Anderson Smith

Despite what "get tough" weight loss boot camp drill instructors might say, the difficulties we have in losing weight and sustaining the loss has more to do with the efficiency of our bodies than any lack of self-discipline. Our propensity for hanging on to extra body weight developed when food was not easily available. When we were able to eat more calories than our bodies needed at the time, our bodies adapted to the feast and famine cycle by storing energy reserves - also known as body fat - to sustain life until the next time food might be more available. Now, most people find that food - an infinite varietyof it - is readily available but there is no intervening famine cycle. Hence, the modern problem of increased body mass.

To counter this body mass increase, many people try a multitude of options from strict diets to surgical and non-invasive cosmetic procedures. For some, surgical procedures such as Lap-Band or gastric bypass are viable options. Additionally, cosmetic surgery, such as liposuction, or the non-invasive drugtreatment called lipodissolve, have been used by some to eliminate small volumes of fat deposits from the body. Still others seek extreme diets to drive a change in weight. It is important to note that all of the options, from surgical to non-invasive procedures, and even some diets, can carry some risk. All options should be carefully researched and considered. The problem with the extreme diets, such as "eat all the celery and tomato juice you can and nothing else" fad diet is that they usually involve very low caloric intake, often coupled with severe restrictions in the types of food eaten. While these diets may be very effective in the short term, they are a long-term disaster as they trick our bodies into thinking we are in the midst of a famine cycle, and our bodies respond by slowing down our metabolism. When a crash dieter returns to normal eating patterns, the real "crash" becomes evident, as the weight lost is almost always quickly regained, often with an additional gift of five extra pounds.

Despite this depressing news, there are some simple steps that can result in weight loss or at the very least, better health. The trick is finding an eating and exercise plan that works with your body and your personal lifestyle instead of against it.

A sensible weight loss plan incorporates slightly decreased calorie consumption. Ideally, this decreased calorie consumption should not come at the price of eliminating entire food groups or a person's most loved foods. Instead, the plan should help decrease mindless eating, especially when not hungry, and focus on intake of lower calorie, lower fat foods that are also nutritionally dense.

Increased activity is another essential component of a weightloss plan, and an easy one to implement. You don't have to run amarathon in order to reap the benefits of movement. Instead find creative ways to add steps to your day; park in the most remote lot at work; always take the stairs instead of the elevator; shop in an area that enables you to walk rather than drive when you do errands. When diet and exercise are not sufficient, some people turn to surgical procedures to help them lose significant weight. LAP-Band surgery is growing in popularity and has been quite effective for many. This minimally invasive surgical procedure, which requires no stomach cutting, reduces one's stomach capacity and therefore food intake. Gastric bypass surgery is in some ways similar as it reduces the amount of food intake through making the stomach smaller. But gastric bypass surgery is more invasive than Lap-Band surgery in that food ends up by passing part of the small intestine. Significant weightloss begins soon after the procedure and can last for a year.

While cosmetic procedures such as liposuction are not viable for achieving large-scale, long-term weight loss, liposuction may be very useful for people who have problem areas that are not resolving with diet and exercise alone. Liposuction is done under general anesthesia and uses a stainless steel tube and vacuum to remove fat.

Another procedure, known as lipo-dissolve or injection lipolysis, involves the injection of "fat melting" drugstore move small volumes of fat deposits, such as under the chin. Don't confuse lipo-dissolve with BOTOX injections as the latter is a skin smoothing treatment not a fat removal treatment.

Proponents of lipo-dissolve promote it to be safe, although the most commonly used drugs, phosphatidylcholine and sodiumdeoxycholate, have not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration. The FDA's statement is that, "these are unapproved drugs for unapproved uses." Additionally, no significant studies have been conducted to demonstrate the effectiveness or safety of lipodissolve. Last, it is not intended to be a weight loss procedure as it only removes small volumes of fat.

Most doctors agree that diet and exercise are critical components of any weight maintenance or weight loss program. Having Lap-Band or gastric bypass surgery alone will not bring about the desired long-term results. With the help of a physician, and a little research, it's possible to set fat loss goals and determine an approach to reach those goals.

About the author: Read more from Anderson Smith on Smith has expertise in the areas of diet, exercise, and body sculpting treatments such as Phosphatidylcholine-Based injections -- also known as lipostabil.

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Tuesday, January 22, 2008

The South Beach Diet Weight Loss Bonus

Author: Allen Honeycutt


The South Beach Diet was originally not developed for weightloss purposes. Instead, it was developed to be a heart-healthyway of eating for (diet creator) Dr. Arthur Agatston's patients. In other words, weight loss turned out to be a really great bonus.


The South Beach Diet is divided into phases.

Three, to be exact: PHASE 1

Consider this phase the carbohydrate boot camp! It lasts for 2weeks, and is similar to a low carb diet. You will cut out all flour, sugar, fatty meats, fruit and fruit juices, dairy (except for some low fat cheeses) and alcohol. Starchy vegetables like potatoes, corn, carrots and most dried beans are also taboo during this phase. Allowed however are lean meat, tofu, mozzarella cheese sticks, olive and canola oil, cottage and ricotta cheese, most non-starchy vegetables, nuts, fish, and up to 75 calories a day of sugar substitute treats.


You will lose up to 13 pounds in this first phase, depending on your weight. This also depends, however, on wether or not you already are a low carber. If you are, you will not lose as much weight up front on the South Beach Diet.


Is considered the "long haul", so fortunately you get to add some tasty carbs back into the plan. You first add back in some fruit, sweet potatoes, whole grain bread, whole grain pasta, and brown rice.


Can occur when you start adding back in these foods. For a balanced diet it is however important that you indeed do reintroduce them to the plan. Start by adding one serving a day, and continue doing so as long as you are still losing weight. If, during Phase 2, you actually stop losing weight --or even begin to add on some-- you need to move back to Phase 1, or at least cut back on some of the carbs that you started to reintroduce.


In Phase 2 are white flours and potatoes, carrots, corn, bananas, sugar, honey, cookies, cakes, etc. The key is low sugar, whole grains, and good fats. But it can be hard to add in just the right amount of carbs. Furthermore, portion sizes are not very specific on South Beach. So instead, you have to learn to eat until you are no longer hungry. Thus, two great reasons to join an online menu service!


You might be stumped on lunch, and are tired of chicken breast, broccoli and brown rice. If you join an online service, you might well find tasty meals like smoked turkey pitas with raspberries. Yum, now that sounds like a diet that we can stick with!


That the South Beach Diet wants you to take a multi vitamin daily, take calcium supplements, drink plenty of water, and cut caffeine down to a minimum.


Of the diet is for the rest of your life. On it, you go back to 'normal' proportions, which basically means adding a handful to each Phase 2 meal. You can splurge for dessert more often, or eat more bread, but you will of course still need to watch your calories.


The South Beach way of life is an excellent choice for a diet. It may feel a bit confusing until you get the hang of it, but the foods are very tasty, and overall satisfying. The online menu services are recommended more so for this plan than for most others.

About the Author gives you the scoop on all the popular diets. The site features diet reviews and articles, sample diet menus, info about online diet services... And more, so come explore:

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Monday, January 21, 2008

Fitness Boot Camps For Summer

Author: shijina

Fitness boot camps are special weighloss camp arranged for men,women, kids and children. Fitness camps are special training programs designed for men during their occasion for reasonable prices. Health camps are considered to be weight loss center, strength retreat and exercise center for the people who required reducing their weight and being fit.Nowadays, people become very trendy and they wants to be very fit, healthy and weightless to enjoy the modernization and commercialization of the economy. Health campaigns are fast developing camp around the world which comes up with more fame and craze among the people.

Strength outdoors comes up in different names and they can becalled as fat camp or fit site, weighloss, obesity and summer camp and in many other names. This kind of campaigns are specially designed and offered to meet the requirements of different kinds of people around the world. More number of men, women, adult, kids and children are availing the services provided by this campaigns in different schedules and requirements. There are cases were fitness boot camps are offered to the people either during the vacation or for ever. It is unique program designed for children to enjoy and come to know the various games, extra curricular activities available during their summer vacation.

Boot camps are provided by qualified, trained, experienced and knowledgeable trainers who provide special training to the people under different time schedules and week days. Nowadays,the trend of people changed fully and most of the people like to be fit and weighloss. Live-in fit enables people to be fit and avoids unnecessary obesity and extra weight in the body. This kind of weighloss program can be called as long term exercise program or quick weight loss program. Today, most of the people concentrate on health and they prefer to fitness boot camp to exercise and be fit.

Boot camps offer more advantage to me, women and children who procure and also enable them to avail the benefit very soon without fear and remains hassle free. Men, women and children avails the benefits and enjoying with the terms and condition of health program with regards to achieving maximum possible resource. The prices fixed for boot camps are reasonable and competitive and it is afford with an intention to reach the customer around the world. Boot camps keep men, women and children healthy and enable them to come up with different styles available in the world.

About the author
: shijina is the Seo copywriter of fit camp Site. He Written many articles like Boot camp , 8 Week Body Makeover, Weightloss BootCamp, Live-In Fitness For More information about 8 Week Total Body Makeover Camps visit our site. Contact me at

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Sunday, January 20, 2008

Special Weightloss Boot Camps

Author: Shijina

Weightloss boot camps are special programs arranged for the people who want to keep their body fit and healthy. Nowadays, people show their interest in eating fatty items for their breakfast, lunch and dinner. When overeating or too much of fatty consistent will increase the weight of the body without proper shape or structure. More number of people look overweight, not only adults but also teens and kids. To help the adults, teens and kids weight loss retreat fit camp are conducted by fitness trainers all over the world. Boot campaigns are engaged in providing series of training courses to the customer in efficient manner.

When overeating or too much of fatty consistent will increase the weight of the body without proper shape or structure. More number of people look overweight, not only adults but also teens and kids. To help the adults, teens and kids weight loss retreat fit camp are conducted by fitness trainers all over the world. Boot campaigns are engaged in providing series of training courses to the customer in efficient manner.

Different lifestyle fitness coaching will be provided to the students considering individual requirement and amount of fee paid by the client. Generally, people become busy nowadays and they don't find time to spend in a useful manner. Because of the heavy competition and regular work, large number of people looks fatter. To facilitate the people, more number of institutions comes up with fit camp services. This kind of institutions offers the service using experienced, qualified and professional fitness experts. The training sessions will be based on physical and mental health.

Considering physical and mental stress relief, programs will be conducted. Based on the individual requirement prices, mode of payment, duration of fit camp, schedules, kind of program conducted will be decided. People can select and go on with the program and achieve the maximum result in minimum time. Regular exercise, diet programs and nutritional plans help the trainee to maintain their fitness and healthy. This camp enhances to reduce the weight of the body without reduction of energy from the body. All kinds of activities will be conducted in the trainings and these kinds of camps are considered to be more important for the people.

About the author: Shijina is the Seo copywriter of fit camp Site. He Written many articles like Boot camp , 8 Week Body Makeover, Weightloss BootCamp, Live-In Fitness. For More information about 8 Week Total Body Makeover Camps visit our site. Contact me at

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